Monday, September 23, 2013

What I'm Reading Monday: Infamous

I'm back!!!

For real.

I had taken a hiatus from audiobooks because my sources library made some changes.  Which lead me to listen to the radio for a couple of months.  Over the last week she was able to lend me a few from her classroom library.  I have to say I really missed being fully engaged in a book again during my long drive to work.

So I just finished up a few: Heartbeat and Love that Dog by Sharon Creech.  Both were enjoyable but only lasted me about two days!

Hurt Go Happy by Ginny Rorby was next.  You would think that having a friend that taught this book every year would have gotten me to read it sooner!  Regardless I really enjoyed the story (and completely disliked the readers voice as my friend predicted) and can see why students love this story.  It reminded me of other books I have read involving chimps and other primates.

I am currently reading a few books (yea I can never be satisfied with just one).

The Twins of Tribeca: A Novel by Rachel Pine is the one I have been working on the longest.  I try to read during lunch at work and a little bit before bed at night.  It is an interesting book and really makes me appreciate the normal work environment that I experience everyday.  I can see where some people would compare this to The Devil Wears Prada but that similarity shouldn't take away from this books story.

The other book I just started is an audiobook (I broke down and stopped at the library on my way home last week) is Infamous by Suzanne Brockmann.  I don't know if it is just me, but so far this book has been confusing to listen to.  I think it started with a prologue but it didn't give a time frame so now the I am listening to the actual story I am confused of how the prologue fits in.  I will probably figure it out eventually.  Or just forgot the prologue all together!  That might be easier.  Plus this book is like 13 or 16 hours long!  I will be kept occupied for a week!!

Sorry for the bad quality pictures, I took them from Goodreads.

With my break from audiobooks I am behind on my 2013 Goodreads Reading Challenge!  I am 5 books behind (at my current pace).  I better speed up since I have not yet missed a goal!  So I hope to have at least one more book fully finished my next week.


  1. Your source and you need to sit down and order you some more :)
    Glad you liked the three books!

  2. I still haven't read Hurt Go Happy. I have heard such good things about it. I don't know why I haven't picked it up yet.
