Monday, April 2, 2012

What I'm reading Monday - Fat Bride

I sucked you in with that title didn't I?  :D

Since I have started linking up about what I am reading over at Teach Mentor Texts, I have been reading more and more.  This week I haven't finished a new book but I am about a 1/3 of the way through.

I actually was given this book by Kellee a long while ago and finally last week picked it up to read.  I have to say that I am enjoying it so far but it is not at all like what I expected.  The voice of the story is that of the bride.  I noticed the other day that it is as if the reader is supposed to be her best friend or diary.  She gave a little bit of back story at the beginning but from then on it seems as if I (the reader) should know more than what is being explicitly said.  I described it to Kellee as if I am supposed to be her best friend for many years and I should know things, but since I am not I feel as though I am missing out on some things.

As I mentioned I am only about 1/3 of the way through but she is already at the wedding.  Going into it I thought the wedding would take place later on in the book.  So at this point I am wondering what in the world is going to happen in the last 2/3rds.  I guess I will just have to read and see. :)

I will have to let you know if it is worth reading once I am done.


  1. Definitely a catchy title, but you don't sound 100% sold on the actual writing. I'll be interested to see what you think when it's done!

    1. I am very much unsure about it. I hopefully will be able to finish it this week so I can update everyone next Monday!!

  2. You are right. The title is catching. My daughter is getting married this summer so we know about dieting pre-wedding.

    1. The weird thing is that it isn't even really about dieting... maybe that part will happen later in the book.

  3. What a wild cover! It's so funny how books that I might have wanted to read before totally don't seem appealing to me any more because I'm at a different stage in my life. I'll have been married for 7 years this summer and my sister just got married last fall. I've had enough of weddings for a while...hope you like it. Although it doesn't sound like you are overjoyed at reading it. Thanks for linking up!

  4. Still working your way through Fat Bride, hm? I hope it gets better for your sake. If not, take a break and you can try something else :)

    Happy reading this week! :)
