Tuesday, August 7, 2012

MIA = Mostly Invisible Amanda

So I had mentioned a few times that I have been busy and what not.  It makes me really sad that I missed out on my blog for over a week!  I had been so great about making sure I posted each and every day (besides Sundays) since I started in January.  Was it really January?!  That is hard to believe.

Anyway.  I have been dealing with an upset tummy and a mini vacation.  When my tummy was all upset blogging was the last thing on my mind.  I just wanted to eat without the gut wrenching cramps.  I dealt with them for almost a week before heading to a doctor.

Now I am one of those people that believe that all parts of the body are interconnected and that "regular" western medicine is not the best option to actually find out what is wrong with and heal your body.  I totally believe in homeopathic and eastern medicines.  So much so that I paid a ridiculous amount of money to be checked out by an eastern friendly medical practice.  They found out that I was basically running on "e" and I was deficitent in a bunch of very important vitamins and what not.  They got me on a round of supplements and I was feeling 100 times better within a week and a half.  I don't think I would have made it through the New York trip if I hadn't been taking them.

So going in to see the "regular" doctor I already knew he would not be too keen on my taking supplements and trusting "those doctors".  Sure enough the second I had said that I had been taking supplements he blamed all of my issues on the supplements.  I insisted that was not the case since I had been taking them for almost two months and not had a problem.  He didn't believe that I had stopped taking them that week and kept telling me not to take them.  Well HELLO!  I could barely even think about drinking that much water let alone taking pills with it!  UHG.  I left there two viles of blood less with no helpful information about why I was feeling so horrible.  So I deemed the visit a complete waste of time and money.

Oh and those blood results?  Super waste of time because the letter literally gave the medical short hand name of the test, the normal ranges, and where my results fell.  It didn't even tell me what the hell they tested for!!!  All they wrote was that I was all within normal ranges.  So stupid.

I had gotten home and ate bland, plain, boring foods and I eventually got better.  I mean I had a deadline of Tuesday to get better so that we could go to the Keys!  I still have no idea what happened and why I couldn't eat anything, but I am better now and plan to stay that way.

Although once I was better it was time to get everything ready to head out of town.  That meant a trip to Honda to get my poor little car checked out (no crazy broken things YAY!), a meeting with the loan officer for the house, a failed trip to JoAnn's with Staci (I think I'll be posting about that later), and a crazy busy night of packing for the Keys!  I hope that my hiatus from the blog is over.  I must start planning better, I was doing so well beforeI know I can get back to it.

I will be sharing our whirlwind trip to the Keys and back this week along with a silly little trick I discovered.  Plus, I will be starting a college class with Staci near the end of the month.  That will be interesting.  It will be the first college class I will have taken in three years.

I think I have caught you all up enough.  Especially since I didn't have any pictures for this post!

I hope to have a more interesting and funny post tomorrow. :)

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