Monday, August 6, 2012

What I'm Reading Monday- Emerald Atlas

It is very obvious I have been very busy these last few weeks.  I promise I will share that soon.

But for today's event!

I have been busy listening to books this past week (mostly due to a trip to Key West).  I managed to almost listen to two whole audiobooks!

First, I finished The Emerald Atlas.  I had mentioned how it was much different than the books I had been listening to prior and it took a little while to adjust and get into it.  I must say that I really enjoyed it.  I fell in love with the three children (Kate, Emma, and Michael).  I don't want to give too much away, but I was on the edge of my seat the whole second half of the book.  Their adventure at times looked as though it would not be successful.  I was relieved to know that there are two more books, the only bad thing is that I have no idea how long I will have to wait to hear them!  I think Jon even got into it slightly albeit at the very last disk and a half.


We immediately started the next audiobook that I had brought with us for the long drive down to the Keys.  It was Airborn by Kenneth Oppel.  I had picked it because of the audiobooks I had it seemed the most Jon friendly.  I was excited because this is my first full cast audiobook!  I have mentioned how some readers aren't able to keep all of the voices sounding different and I knew that a full cast would solve that no problem.  But it did have music at the beginning and that is just something I don't think is necessary.  Jon and I made it to the 8th disk and sadly we arrived home and couldn't sit around and listen to the rest of it.  I think he really got into it because each time I turned it off to ask a question or take a little break he was itching to turn it back on.  :)  Now the only problem is how am  I going to get him to listen to the rest of it...  Oh, yea.  You might want to actually  hear about the book huh?  It is about a boy who works on an airship.  He loves his job and wants to become a sailsman.  A kink is thrown into his plans and he meets a very demanding young girl.  She turns him upside-down in her pursuit of a creature her grandfather claimed to have seen.  I have to say that I thought we had gotten to the part where they would be all clear to go, but nope!  And that is unfortunately where we had to stop. :(

I am still chugging along on this one.  I didn't have much time for reading this weekend since we spent so much time driving around in the car.  She has gotten herself into trouble- big time.  Luckily her cop boyfriend has just showed up and will hopefully set things straight... or handcuff her so she can't go off and get into more trouble.


Silly me, since I finished Tricks last week I decided to start another book.  Yes, I already have one started (see above) and I insist that I must have a hardback book in addition to my audio and iphone books.  Crazy I know.  I have not gotten very far in Mysterious Skin but so far I am intrigued.  It seems to focus on a few different kids that may or may not be living in the same town.  There is molestation, playgirl magazines, and strippers.  I am not exactly sure the point of the story yet (since I can't remember reading the synopsis).  I'll let you  know more when I learn more.

As for reading, that is all for the week.  As for everything else, that will come later.

Hoping everyone a good week.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am so glad you are liking my recommendations. Airborn is one of my favorite audiobooks. I know you don't like the music, but I just love the dramaticness of the full cast and music for the Matt Cruse series. But that is just me and I am bias. I also love that Jon listened to them too. You'll have to let him know how it ends.

    See you on Wednesday and happy reading/listening! :)
