Thursday, August 16, 2012

Alternate Uses: For Shoe Inserts!

I have been going to the chiropractor for a month or so to fix my knee.  He had mentioned that my shoes could be effecting how I was walking.  I happen to wear the same shoes to work just about everyday.  I really took a few minutes to look at how the heel was wearing away.  It definitely looked like I was walking towards the outside of my heel.

All of this prompted  me to buy a new pair of shoes.  I found a pair of black flats at Payless and they had some cushion already in them.  Perfect!

Don't you hate how shoes will feel great and not have any ouchie parts in the store but when you get home they feel completely different?  It happens to me all of the time.

I am not sure if my legs are different than most peoples but the height of the back of the shoes are too high and hit the back of my ankle.  Completely uncomfortable.  And who wants blisters?!
So I had to put my thinking cap on and remembered about these shoe squishies I had bought a long time ago for a pair of heels I had.

I placed them at the heel of the shoe and tried them on.  The top of the shoe didn't hit the back of my ankle!  It didn't hurt!

It doesn't look all that cute to have to adjust them throughout the day.  I will eventually buy a pair of squishies that would span the entire length of the shoe so that I wouldn't have to adjust it.

I was thinking about some other ways to use the shoe squishies and I thought about placing them on the table when removing pins from a project.  The pad is sticky enough to hold the pins in place and stop them from rolling all around the table.

You would probably even use them in the car to hold your phone in place.  But I am not sure if the plastic would stay solid or if it would melt though.

If you have a set of these on hand I challenge you to think up some other ways to use them too!

Stepping happy.

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