Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pinterest Pick: Pintester

Okay so my pick today isn't actually a recipe or a home idea.  It is a blog!

She is the self proclaimed Pin tester.  She actually tries out the pins that she... well pins... 

But you have to understand that she does not always test the pin according to the exact recipe or process provided by the pin.  She gets creative when she doesn't have all of the ingredients.  So most of her pins don't turn out very well.  However, she seems to test them in such a way that a normal person would.

Like, you are trying to decide what to do for dinner and you search Pinterest and find a recipe but you don't exactly have all of the ingredients.  You decide to make it anyway.

And I totally think that is how I would test some of my pins.

Regardless she is a hilarious story teller and her pictures are priceless.... and mostly embarrassing.

So you should check her out!

Oh and me?  I am still sick.  My glands hurt.  Trying to take it easy and drink.  Water! I mean water! ;)

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