Monday, June 4, 2012

What I'm Reading Monday - Lola!

Happy Monday!!!

Just got back from a team-building thing at work and my Myers-Briggs type has basically stayed the same.  I am still waaaaay to the Judging side.

I finally finished up Anna and the French Kiss this weekend.  It was cute!  I really did enjoy it and I was hanging on there until the end.  I am glad at how it ended but it was a little painful there for a chapter or two.

I then immediately started reading the companion novel Lola and the Boy Next Door.  About three chapters in I am very curious who this new character is that moved back next door.  I have been enjoying the change of pace from Anna and the French Kiss.

I am so close to finishing up with this book.  I am getting worried how it will end since I have only one and a 1/3rd disks left.  It does not seem like it will be able to have concise ending (which I so crave).  I found out that there are more books in this series!  Two more to make up the trilogy, a prequel, AND a book between the second and third.  I have no idea if they are on audio books or not but I know that I have to find them and read them.  I am hooked!!

I haven't quite decided which audio book I will listen to next.  I might just have to do eenie meanie minie mo to pick one.

Happy reading!!


  1. Replies
    1. They are! I have been enjoying a lot of picks that Kellee chooses for me. I tend to pick the very heavy romancey stuff when I am left to my own devices. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Yay! :)
    I am so glad you like Anna- I thought it was right down your alley.
    Can't wait to see what audiobook you pick next!

    Happy reading this week :)

    1. Oh man! I am so close to being done with Nightshade. I am on the last CD and Jon was nice enough to listen without complaining as I drove us to go and get dinner! I almost didn't want to get out of the car when we got back home. :)

    2. Um- that is so nice! Jim will totally not do that very often.
